
Car Sharing
There are 26 million cars on Britain’s roads and if traffic growth is left unchecked the number of cars – and jams- will grow by a third in 20 years. If you add in the growing fears over global warming you quickly have compelling reasons why car sharing is at last being taken seriously.

Car sharing is without doubt a cheaper, greener way to get around and it cuts traffic jams. Sure, you will need to be organised and do a bit more planning, but it’s normally a case of just letting people know.

In 1997 Liftshare identified the need to develop alternative ways of travelling, including more efficient use of the car. The organisation prides itself on an ability to design and deliver new transport solutions for a wide range of clients.

Philip Igoe, is a co-director ar Carplus, a national charity set up in 1999 to promote sensible use of the car through initiatives such as sharing and clubs, predicts that car sharing is set to soar. “The Government clearly has its eye on reducing congestion and emissions through road pricing and higher taxation, which is good news,” he says. “Once the cost of driving starts to go up, more motorists will be looking for alternatives and car sharing is a win-win option.”

If everyone who drives a car on their own to work every day were to catch a lift with someone just once a week the commuting car journeys would reduce by 25%! But car sharing is always given last billing when it comes to environmental transport because there are so many perceived inconveniences associated with it. It is possible to join one of several car-sharing clubs in the UK. One of the best being Liftshare.

Through their continuous campaigning at both grass root and government levels, the concept of a national car-sharing database has now become a reality. All of their services are extensively tried and tested at the piloting stage:

• FREE to use – simply share travel costs
• The easy way to find travel companions
• Helping you to find:
– Drivers and passengers so you can liftshare
– Walking buddies and cycle buddies
– Other individuals looking to share a taxi
• Find information on travel and public transport
• Reduce the congestion and pollution on our roads
• 150,771 members and over a million journeys registered

Car sharing should not affect your motor insurance premiums. The Association of British Insurers says that policies are unaffected if there is no profit and passengers contribute towards running costs. However, drivers who want to share should always check with their motor insurer for clarification.