
Female In-Car Safety
Recently in the UK there has been an increased spate of car-jacking and vehicle related crimes, taking place while the driver is still in the car. This relatively new phenomena has endangered many lone female drivers whilst waiting at traffic lights and junctions.

Before you set-off check to see that your current motor insurance policy certificate is in the car, and your driver and personal details are quickly to hand. In the event of an accident this will enable you to exchange details with any other driver involved quickly and without fuss. If you are unsure that you have right policy in force or are currently looking to switch provider then you can obtain a new Womens Car Insurance quote.

If you are driving alone through a built up area, particularly at night or in the evening, it is definitely worth taking sensible precautions. Firstly make sure you have adequate Breakdown Cover Insurance. Should your vehicle suffer a mechanical problem and you are unable to continue your journey, it is vital that you can get on your way asap.

Always take your mobile phone with you. Ensure it is fully charged and has enough credit if you operate pay-as-you-go. If you are travelling to a destination for the first time or are unsure of the exact directions, then consider using an Online Route Planner before you set off. Alternatively you could purchase a GPS Satellite Navigation System to get you to your journeys end safely and on time. If possible always make the people you are travelling to see aware of your estimated time of arrival

Be wary of any passing motorist who tries to warn you that there is something wrong with your vehicle – do not pull-in. Wait until you have reached a garage or a busy and well-lit public area and make your checks there. If you are driving through a heavily built-up area or city centre then keep your doors locked and your windows up. It is also sensible practice NOT to keep mobile phones, handbag and other valuable items on the passengers seats – back or front.

Never pick up hitchhikers along your route for any reason. If you are going to be driving along country and b roads late at night or very early in the morning, remember to ensure you have enough fuel in the car to get you to your destination. If your car is not fitted with an effective, working alarm and or other security devices, then consider fitting them.

Pregnant women
When pregnant, women should continue to use seatbelts and airbags properly. Recent studies have determined that ‘unrestrained or improperly restrained pregnant women are 5.7 times more likely to have an adverse fetal outcome than properly restrained pregnant women’. If seatbelts are not long enough, extensions are available from the car manufacturer or an after-market supplier.